PM・モディを含めたインドの指導者は,BJP大統領J.P.Naddaの誕生日を祝し,彼の健康部門の指導を称賛する. Indian leaders, including PM Modi, celebrate BJP President J.P. Nadda’s birthday, praising his health sector leadership.
ナレンドラ・モディ首相その他のインドの最高指導者は,BJP大統領JP・ナダ氏の誕生日の意向を表明し,党と国民への貢献を称賛した. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other top Indian leaders extended birthday wishes to BJP President J.P. Nadda, praising his contributions to the party and nation. 指導者は,インドの医療部門を強化し,BJP内での指導力を強化するためのナダの役割を強調した. Leaders highlighted Nadda's role in strengthening India's health sector and his leadership within the BJP. 2019年からBJPの議長を務め,また,保健大臣としても活動しているNaddaは,献身と公共サービスで賞を受賞しました. Nadda, who has been BJP President since 2019 and also serves as Union Health Minister, received accolades for his dedication and public service.