インドの内務省は 都市保安,国境警備,テロ対策に 焦点を当てることを求めています Indian Home Minister calls for focusing on urban policing, border security, and counter-terrorism.
治安機関が,都市警察,移民,東部の国境の警備などの新たな課題に重点を置く必要があることを, 閣僚は,ブブネシュワールで開催された毎年恒例の DGPs/IGPs会議で強調しました. Union Home Minister Amit Shah emphasized the need for security agencies to focus on emerging challenges like urban policing, immigration, and security along the eastern border during the annual DGPs/IGPs conference in Bhubaneswar. ナレンドラ・モディ首相が出席した3日間のイベントは,反テロ,左翼暴力,沿岸警備,新たな犯罪法についても議論した. The three-day event, attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, also discussed counter-terrorism, left-wing extremism, coastal security, and new criminal laws. 2024年総選挙の成功と新法の施行を警察に称賛し,テロ対策をゼロにするよう求めた. Shah praised the police for the successful conduct of the 2024 general elections and the implementation of new laws, calling for a zero-tolerance approach to terrorism.