Mapmy IndiaのCEORohan Vermaは3月に出国する予定で,企業の支持を得て新技術事業を始める. CEO of MapmyIndia, Rohan Verma, plans to leave in March to start a new tech venture, backed by the company.
MapmyIndiaのCEOであるRohan Vermaは,新しい消費者技術事業を立ち上げるために2025年3月に執行役を辞めることを計画しています. Rohan Verma, CEO of MapmyIndia, plans to step down from his executive role in March 2025 to launch a new consumer tech business. MapmyIndiaは,35億円を強制的に転換可能な債券に投資し,Vermaのスタートアップの10%の株式を10万円に投資します. MapmyIndia will invest ₹35 crore in Compulsorily Convertible Debentures and ₹10 lakh for a 10% equity stake in Verma's startup. 同社はまた,第2四半期25年度の収益で13.82%増加し,₹103.67億に達したが,純利益は8.2%減って₹30.33億となった. The company also reported a 13.82% increase in revenue to ₹103.67 crore in Q2 FY25 but saw an 8.2% drop in net profit to ₹30.33 crore.