2024-25年1月7日閲覧. ^ インドの財政赤字は,昨年からわずかに上って,毎年6.5%の目標を達成した. India's fiscal deficit for the first seven months of 2024-25 is 46.5% of the annual target, slightly up from last year.
インドの財政赤字は,前年度の同期間より少し高い. India's fiscal deficit for the first seven months of the fiscal year is at 46.5% of the annual target, slightly higher than the same period last year. 赤字は約97.6億円に達し,収入と支出は,それぞれ53.7%,予算目標の51.3パーセントに及んだ. The deficit reached about $97.6 billion, with revenue and expenditures at 53.7% and 51.3% of the budget targets, respectively. 政府がインド準備銀行から2.11万億ルピーの余剰資金を受け取った. The government received a surplus transfer of Rs 2.11 lakh crore from the Reserve Bank of India. にもかかわらず,収入赤字は予算目標の52.2パーセントに上っており,政府は財政赤字目標を4.9%に下げている. Despite this, the revenue deficit is at 52.2% of the budget target, and the government has lowered the fiscal deficit aim to 4.9%.