パークランド出身の女性が 夫の殺害容疑で逮捕 刺殺で自白したらしい A woman from Parkland was arrested for the murder of her husband, whom she reportedly confessed to stabbing.
パークランド出身の52歳の女性が,第2級殺人容疑で逮捕された. A 52-year-old woman from Parkland was arrested for second-degree murder after deputies found her covered in blood, walking down the street and asking for help. 62歳の夫は自宅の外で発見され,その夫を刺したとして自供したと伝えられた. Her 62-year-old husband was found dead outside their home, and she reportedly confessed to stabbing him. ピアース郡保安官局は 刑事と鑑識の専門家と 現場を捜査しています The Pierce County Sheriff's Department is investigating the scene with detectives and forensic experts.