Appleの休日の広告は,AppleのPro2が,穏和な聴覚障害者を助ける方法を示すものである. Apple's holiday ad showcases how AirPods Pro 2 can aid those with mild to moderate hearing loss.
アップルの休日の広告"聴力支援"は,エアポドプロ2号の聴力支援機能を強調する. Apple's holiday ad "Heartstrings" highlights the hearing aid capabilities of the AirPods Pro 2, aimed at those with mild to moderate hearing loss. 広告は娘がギターを弾くのを聞くために苦労している父親の特集であるが,エアポドプロ2は娘の音楽をはっきりと聞くのを助ける. The ad features a father struggling to hear his daughter play guitar, but the AirPods Pro 2 helps him clearly hear her music. この機能は,米国とヨーロッパで利用可能であるため,IOS1818かそれ以降のiOS18かiPadの最新ソフトとiPhone又はiPadを必要とする. Available in the U.S. and Europe, the feature requires the latest firmware and an iPhone or iPad with iOS 18.1 or later.