南アフリカの15歳の少年は,61歳の学校の校長を殺害して43年を経過した. A 15-year-old in South Africa gets 43 years for murdering a 61-year-old school principal.
南アフリカの15歳の少年は, 61歳の学校長アルフェウス・ヌトゥリ殺害容疑で43年の懲役判決を受けた. A 15-year-old boy in South Africa has been sentenced to 43 years in prison for the murder of 61-year-old school principal Alpheus Ntuli. 十代の少年はまた盗難,強盗の加重な状況,そして違法な銃所持で有罪判決を受けた. The teenager was also convicted of theft, robbery with aggravating circumstances, and illegal possession of a firearm. 校長の遺体は,重傷を負った川の近くで発見され,警察が家まで追跡した後,容疑者が逮捕された. The body of the principal was found near a river with severe injuries, and the suspect was arrested after police traced him to his home.