ナイジェリアのカノ州では,N71000の新たな最低賃金を実施し,政府職員の賃金を増額している. Kano State, Nigeria, implements a new minimum wage of N71,000, boosting government workers' salaries.
ナイジェリアのカノ州はN71000の新たな最低賃金を実施し始めており,N770の連邦最低賃金よりもわずかに高い. Kano State in Nigeria has started implementing a new minimum wage of N71,000, slightly higher than the federal minimum of N70,000. 政府の従業員は 11月25日に昇給を受け, 州の伝統に従って 支払いを時間通りにしました. Government workers received their increased salaries on November 25th, following the state's tradition of timely payments. 国務長官は,労働者に対し,賃金の増額を賢明に利用し,サービスの提供の改善を促した. The state's Head of Civil Service encouraged workers to use the wage increase wisely and improve their service delivery. さらにカノ州は医療従事者に手当を支払い始めました. Additionally, Kano State has begun paying health workers their allowances.