バングラデシュの警察は,弁護士の殺害容疑で6人の容疑者を逮捕し,暴動や爆発物所持の容疑で他の容疑者を拘束した. Bangladeshi police arrested six suspects in a lawyer's murder and detained others for riots and possession of explosives.
チャトグラムメトロポリタン警察は,ビデオ映像で確認されたサイフル・イスラム・アフマディストの殺害に関連して6人の容疑者を逮捕した. The Chattogram Metropolitan Police have arrested six suspects in connection with the murder of lawyer Saiful Islam Alif, identified through video footage. 加えて,火曜の衝突で21人が破壊行為や警察への暴行で拘留された. Additionally, 21 people were detained for vandalism and assaulting police during Tuesday's clashes. アワミリーグや違法なチャトラリーグに係る6名以上の個人が、自家製爆弾所持で逮捕された。 Six more individuals associated with the Awami League and outlawed Chhatra League were arrested for possessing homemade explosives.