Sugababesは「Strictly Come Dancing」に出演し、俳優のジェイミー・ボースウィックは脱落しました。 Sugababes performed on "Strictly Come Dancing," and actor Jamie Borthwick was eliminated.
BBCの"厳格に踊れ"では,オリジナルのスガベーズ,ムティア・ブエナ,シオバン・ドナギー,ケイシャ・ブキャナンが出演し,視聴者から様々な評価を受けた. BBC's Strictly Come Dancing featured a performance by the original Sugababes, Mutya Buena, Siobhan Donaghy, and Keisha Buchanan, which received mixed reviews from viewers. EastEndersの俳優ジェイミー・ボルトウィックとパートナーは,結果ショー中,競技会から外された. EastEnders actor Jamie Borthwick and his partner were eliminated from the competition during the results show. この番組は,来週末にBBC1に戻ってくる. The show will return next weekend on BBC One.