70歳の店屋はバレプニ村の3歳の少女をセクハラしたという容疑で逮捕された. A 70-year-old shopkeeper is arrested for allegedly sexually harassing a 3-year-old girl in Balepuni village.
バレプニ村にある彼の店の近くで3歳の少女をセクハラしたという容疑で、アブドラという70歳の店主が逮捕された。 A 70-year-old shopkeeper named Abdulla was arrested for allegedly sexually harassing a 3-year-old girl near his shop in Balepuni village. 少女の母親は,彼女の不快感に気づいて,コナジェ警察署で苦情を申し立てた. The girl's mother noticed her discomfort and filed a complaint at Konaje police station. Abdullahは逮捕され,警察がセクシュアル・デンス法その他の規定により児童保護に関する調査を継続する中,司法的拘束を受けている. Abdulla was arrested and is in judicial custody as the police continue to investigate under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act and other regulations.