ハワイ郡町長のKimo Alamedaは12月就任前に主な閣僚の選抜を発表した. Hawaii County Mayor-elect Kimo Alameda announces key cabinet picks ahead of December inauguration.
ハワイ郡の市長に選ばれた キモ・アラメダは 12月2日の就任式前に 計画,財務,公園・レクリエーションの 取締役を含む 重要な内閣の任命を発表しました Hawaii County Mayor-elect Kimo Alameda has announced key cabinet appointments, including directors for Planning, Finance, and Parks and Recreation, ahead of his December 2 inauguration. )の任命は,郡議会の承認を受けなければならない. The appointments are subject to approval by the County Council. Alamedaはまた,監督補佐を命名し,その責任の概要をまとめて,ハワイ島のビジョンを支える強いチームを結成することを目指す. Alameda also named executive assistants and outlined their responsibilities, aiming to build a strong team to support his vision for Hawaii Island.