オスカー受賞作曲家ARラーマンと29年間連れ添った妻サイラ・バヌが別居を発表。 Oscar-winning composer AR Rahman and his wife of 29 years, Saira Banu, announce their separation.
オスカー受賞作曲家のARラーマンと妻のサイラ・バヌは、29年間の結婚生活を経て、大きな感情的な負担を理由に別居を発表しました。 Oscar-winning composer AR Rahman and his wife Saira Banu have announced their separation after 29 years of marriage, citing significant emotional strain. 彼らには3人の子供がおり、弁護士と子供たちは、この困難な時期にプライバシーを要求しています。 They have three children together, and their lawyers and children have requested privacy during this difficult time. 「スラムドッグ$ミリオネア」などの映画で知られるラーマンは、いくつかの音楽プロジェクトに取り組み続けています。 Rahman, known for his work on films like "Slumdog Millionaire," continues to work on several music projects.