ナイジェリア議会は,政令の争議の最中に,1110億ドルの電気企業の復興を要請している. Nigerian parliament calls for a $1.1 billion recapitalization of electricity companies amid billing disputes.
ナイジェリア代表院は,電気流通会社(DISCOS)に対し,事業の改善と財政安定を促進するため,少なくとも1億5000億円の復旧を勧告している. The Nigerian House of Representatives has recommended a recapitalization of at least N500 billion for electricity distribution companies (DISCOs) to improve their operations and financial stability. この動きは,消費者が既に支払った計数器の追加支払いを要求し,経済安定と市民の福祉を脅かしているとの主張に続いて起こっています. This move comes after claims that DISCOs are demanding additional payments for meters that consumers have already paid for, threatening economic stability and citizen welfare. 議院は,DISCOSを非国家的俳優と宣言し,無謀な行為に対して即時措置をとるよう連邦国務省に勧告した. The House urged the Federal Ministry of Power to declare DISCOs as non-state actors and take immediate action against their reckless practices. 電力委員会には ディスコの調査と透明性の確保を 任務として 4週間以内に報告を 提出する義務が与えられました The Committee on Power was tasked with investigating DISCOs and ensuring transparency, with a report due in four weeks.