Comcastの施設所有権は84.32%に上昇し,"モデレード・バイヤー"でQ3収益を突破した. Comcast's institutional ownership rose to 84.32%, and it beat Q3 earnings with a "Moderate Buy" consensus.
Comcast Co.は、機関投資家の所有権が84.32%に上昇し、さまざまなファンドが出資を調整しました。 Comcast Co. saw institutional ownership rise to 84.32%, with various funds adjusting their stakes. 会社はQ3収益の期待を1株あたり1.12ドル,収入は3.270億円超えました. The company surpassed Q3 earnings expectations with $1.12 per share and $32.07 billion in revenue. 分析官は混合評価を発表したが,その合意は47.19ドルを目標として"モデレータ・バイヤー"とある. Analysts have issued mixed ratings, but the consensus is a "Moderate Buy" with a $47.19 target price. Comcastはまた、1月8日に配布される予定の0.31ドルの四半期配当を発表し、利回りは2.88%でした。 Comcast also announced a quarterly dividend of $0.31, set to distribute on January 8th, with a yield of 2.88%.