SurgiBox Include. 日本企業と提携し,安全と適応の認可を受けた,携帯用手術ユニットを日本に配布した. SurgiBox Inc. partners with Japanese firm to distribute its portable surgical unit in Japan, approved for safety and adaptability.
SurgiBox Inc.は,日本の会社であるAccord Internationalと提携し,日本での,ポータブルで充満可能な外科環境のSurgiFieldの販売を開始しました. SurgiBox Inc., a US company, has partnered with Japanese firm Accord International to distribute its portable, inflatable surgical environment, SurgiField, in Japan. 日本医薬品・医薬品庁が承認したスルギオは,病院,緊急チーム,遠隔地又は災害被害の被害を受けた地域に安全な 外科的選択肢を提供することを目的としている. Approved by Japan's Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency, SurgiField aims to provide safe surgical options for hospitals, emergency teams, and remote or disaster-affected areas. この技術は,非伝統的設定に適合性と安全性があるため,Tomoisa Shoko博士から称賛された. The technology has been praised by Dr. Tomohisa Shoko for its adaptability and safety in non-traditional settings.