少年4人を含む5人が 誤認でブリストルの少年2人を殺害した罪で有罪判決を受けた Five people, including four teens, were found guilty of murdering two Bristol teens in a case of mistaken identity.
45歳の男性と10代の4人を含んだ5人の人物が2人のブリュッセル少年、メイソン・リリストとマックス・ディクソンの殺害で有罪判決を受けた. Five individuals, including a 45-year-old man and four teenagers, were found guilty of murdering two Bristol teens, Mason Rist and Max Dixon, in a case of mistaken identity. 犠牲者は,以前にあったレンガ投げる事件の責任者であると誤って特定され,追われ,マチェテで攻撃され,致命的な刺傷を負いました. The victims were wrongly identified as responsible for an earlier brick-throwing incident and were chased and attacked with machetes, suffering fatal stab wounds. 逃走運転者を含め,犯人は6週間の裁判で有罪判決を受けた。 The attackers, including the getaway driver, were convicted after a six-week trial, with CCTV footage showing the frenzied attack.