自動車,酒屋,28丁の銃を盗んだ容疑でコロラド・スプリングスで逮捕された14歳の二人の少年。 Two 14-year-olds arrested in Colorado Springs for stealing cars, a liquor store, and 28 guns.
14歳の少年2人が 複数の犯罪でコロラド・スプリングスで逮捕された。 酒屋から盗んだ車を運転し、質屋から28個の火器を盗んだ。 Two 14-year-old boys were arrested in Colorado Springs for multiple crimes, including driving a stolen car through a liquor store to steal it and stealing 28 firearms from a pawn shop. 二級強盗,謀略,自動車の窃盗,少年時代の銃器所持などで起訴されている. They are charged with second-degree burglary, conspiracy, motor vehicle theft, and possession of firearms as juveniles. 銃が1枚見つかり 捜査は続いています One firearm has been recovered, and investigators continue to look for other suspects.