Republic. ダン・ニューハウスはWA第4区で再選を勝ち,第6項を151.7%の投票で定める. Rep. Dan Newhouse wins re-election in WA's 4th district, securing a sixth term with 51.7% of the vote.
代表のダン・ニューハウスは ワシントン州4区で6期目の選挙に 勝利しました ジェロッド・セスラーに51.7%の票を投じました Incumbent Rep. Dan Newhouse has secured a sixth term in Washington's 4th Congressional District, defeating Jerrod Sessler with 51.7% of the vote. ニューハウスは彼の組織に感謝し,下等なスネーク・リバーダムを保護し,ハンフォードの現場を掃除し,中国に外国政策を提起すると約束した. Newhouse thanked his constituents and pledged to protect the Lower Snake River dams, clean up the Hanford Site, and address foreign policy with China. Seslerは,次期大統領の支持を得て,結果を認めたが,これを認めず,今後また実行を計画している. Sessler, backed by President-elect Trump, acknowledged the results but has not conceded, planning to run again in the future.