監督のジョン・M・チュは 妻が出産中 ライブストリームで"Wicked"の初演に参加しました Director Jon M. Chu joined "Wicked" premiere via livestream as his wife was giving birth.
監督のジョン・M・チュは11月9日にロサンゼルスで"Wicked"の初演に参加し,妻のクリスティン・ホッジと共に病院で5人目の子供を産んでいた. Director Jon M. Chu joined the "Wicked" premiere in Los Angeles via livestream on November 9, as he was at the hospital with his wife Kristin Hodge, who was giving birth to their fifth child. チュは,アリアナ・グランデとシンシア・エリボを含むキャストに対し,この映画への献身に感謝し",一生に一度の経験"と呼んだ. Chu expressed gratitude to the cast, including Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo, for their dedication to the film, which he called a "once-in-a-lifetime" experience. 彼は肉体的不在にもかかわらず、更新をシェアし、ファンと交流した。 Despite his physical absence, he shared updates and interacted with fans.