2024年8月、ナイジェリアのデモ隊が#EndBadGovernationのデモで逮捕した。 In August 2024, Nigerian protesters arrested in #EndBadGovernance demonstrations saw some released without charges.
2024年8月、ナイジェリアのカドナ州で抗議デモ隊が#EndBadgoryのデモで逮捕された。 In August 2024, protesters in Kaduna State, Nigeria, were arrested during the #EndBadGovernance demonstrations. 拘留中の6人のDJは、拷問を受けたことを認めず,その後,国家安全保障局(DSS)長官が無断で釈放された. Six DJs among those detained denied being tortured and were later released by the Department of State Security (DSS) director general without charges. DSSはほかにも数人の抗議者を釈放したが,一部は法的措置を講ずる可能性がある。 The DSS released several other protesters as well, though some face potential legal action. 抗議運動の最中に2,100人以上が逮捕された. Over 2,100 people were arrested during the protests.