キラーニのガードイは検問所で4万7千ユーロの現金と 疑似麻薬を押収した Gardaí in Killarney seized €47,000 in cash and suspected drugs during a checkpoint inspection.
アイルランド ケリー郡 キラーニー市で警察は水曜日の朝早く,強制的な中毒検査のチェックポイントで,約47,000ユーロの現金と大麻やエクスタシー錠剤を含む疑わしい薬物を押収しました. Gardaí in Killarney, County Kerry, Ireland, seized approximately €47,000 in cash and suspected drugs, including cannabis and ecstasy tablets, during a Mandatory Intoxicating Testing checkpoint early Wednesday morning. 現金と薬は午前1時30分頃の定期車両検査で発見された. The cash and drugs were found during a routine vehicle inspection at around 1:30 AM. 捜査は継続中であるが,逮捕の可能性について,又は車両が押収されたかどうかについては,詳細は公表されていない. An investigation is ongoing, but no details have been released regarding potential arrests or whether the vehicle was seized. 金はキラーニー・ガルダ駅に保管されている The cash is held at Killarney Garda station.