ウィスコンシン州ホワイトウォーターの投票時間は 選挙の日に長い遅れがあったため 22時30分まで延長されました Polling hours in Whitewater, Wisconsin, were extended to 10:30 p.m. due to long delays on Election Day.
ウィスコンシン州ホワイトウォーターで、投票時間は10時30分まで延長された。 Polling hours in Whitewater, Wisconsin, were extended until 10:30 p.m. on Election Day due to significant delays from inadequate staffing and insufficient voting materials, attributed to unexpectedly high turnout. 延長は,民主党全国委員会から要請を受け,ウォルワース郡裁判所のディビッド・M・レッドディ判事が承認した. The extension was requested by the Democratic National Committee and approved by Walworth County Circuit Court Judge David M. Reddy. 新しい閉会時間までに投票者は投票を許可され,その投票に伴う投票のマークが付けられる. Voters in line by the new closing time will be permitted to vote, with their ballots marked accordingly.