Amazonの株式目標は,880億円の収益を報告した後,215ドルと246ドルに上昇した. Amazon's stock target rises to $215 and $246 after reporting $158.88 billion in revenue.
Amazonの株式価格目標は,ベンチマークが215ドル,スコティアバンクが246ドルに設定し,いずれも"Buy"の評価を維持している. Amazon's stock price target has been raised by several firms, with Benchmark setting it at $215 and Scotiabank at $246, both maintaining "buy" ratings. 同社は1588億ドルの収益と1.43ドルの1株当たり利益 (EPS) を報告し,予想を上回った. The company reported $158.88 billion in revenue and earnings per share (EPS) of $1.43, surpassing expectations. 分析者は2023年の全年EPSを4.84ドルと予測している. Analysts project a full-year EPS of $4.84 for 2023. アマゾンの市場資本化は2. 5兆円を超え、その成長に強い投資家の自信を反映している。 Amazon's market capitalization stands at $2.05 trillion, reflecting strong investor confidence in its growth.