中国国家主席の習近平は,カンボジアの国王ノーロドム・シハモニの20周年記念祝賀を述べ,平和の促進における彼の役割を称え,中国とカンボジアの協力を称賛した. Chinese President Xi Jinping congratulated Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni on his 20th enthronement anniversary, commending his role in promoting peace and praising China-Cambodia cooperation.
中国国家主席の習近平は,カンボジアの国王ノーロドム・シハモニの20周年記念祝賀を致し,カンボジアの平和と安定,開発の促進における彼の役割を称賛した. Chinese President Xi Jinping congratulated Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni on his 20th enthronement anniversary, commending his role in promoting peace, stability, and development in Cambodia. 習氏は"ダイヤモンド六角"協力枠組み",産業開発回廊"および"魚と米回廊"の進展を強調した. Xi highlighted advancements in the "Diamond Hexagon" cooperation framework, the "Industrial Development Corridor," and the "Fish and Rice Corridor." 彼は,両国間の双方向関係強化と共通の未来を育むための中国のコミットメントを再確認した. He reaffirmed China's commitment to strengthening bilateral relations and fostering a shared future between the two nations.