18歳のドライバーが,コーリマルのロサリー通りで車で事故で死亡. 速度はおそらく要因である. 18-year-old driver dies in car crash on Rothery Street, Corrimal; speed possibly a factor.
18歳の運転手は、土曜日の午後8時過ぎに彼の赤い三菱ハッチバックが駐車中の車と衝突した後、コリマルのロザリーストリートでの自動車事故で死亡しました。 An 18-year-old driver died in a car crash on Rothery Street, Corrimal, after his red Mitsubishi hatchback collided with a parked car shortly after 8 p.m. on Saturday. 衝突前に車が鉄道橋の上を空中に飛び立ったため, 速さが原因だった可能性があると目撃者は指摘した. Witnesses indicated that speed may have contributed, as the car became airborne over a railway bridge before the impact. 救急隊が救出しようとしたにも関わらず 運転手は現場で死亡しました Despite attempts by paramedics to save him, the driver was pronounced dead at the scene. 警察は事件を調査中です 車両は検閲のために押収されました Police are investigating the incident, and the vehicle has been seized for forensic examination.