58歳の男性 家庭内暴力の報告を受けて 武装した衝突で警察に撃たれて死亡 58-year-old man shot dead by police during armed standoff after domestic violence report.
フェアフィールドの58歳の男性が 銃撃戦で警察に撃たれ殺された 銃撃戦は自宅を焼き尽くすという脅迫と 家庭の傷害を伴うものだった A 58-year-old man in Fairfield was shot and killed by police during an armed standoff after he threatened to burn down his home and injured family members. 事件は 警官が 家庭内暴力の報告に応答した時に 始まった そして男はショットガンで武装した. The incident began when officers responded to reports of domestic violence and found the man armed with a shotgun. 彼は2階の窓から 銃を警官に向け 警官に撃つように促した He pointed a firearm at officers from a second-story window, prompting them to return fire. 死因は調査中です ソラノ郡検察の 重大犯罪捜査班が 事件を調査中です The cause of death is under investigation, and the Solano County District Attorney's Major Crimes Task Force is reviewing the case.