共和党の指導者は,副大統領ハリスがトランプを"ファシスト"と非難し,暴力の可能性に懸念を表明し",無責任な言辞"を止めるよう促した. Republican leaders criticize Vice President Harris' "fascist" label for Trump, expressing concern over potential violence and urging her to stop "irresponsible rhetoric."
共和党のミッチ・マコネルとマイク・ジョンソンは,元大統領ドナルド・トランプを"ファシスト"と非難したカマラ・ハリス副大統領を批判し,彼女の言辞が,特に最近2件の暗殺未遂の後,トランプに対するさらなる暴力を煽る可能性があると主張した. Republican leaders Mitch McConnell and Mike Johnson have criticized Vice President Kamala Harris for labeling former President Donald Trump a "fascist," claiming her rhetoric may incite further violence against him, particularly following two recent assassination attempts. 彼らはハリスに"無責任な言辞"をやめ,トランプの保護を確保するよう促した. They urged Harris to cease her "irresponsible rhetoric" and ensure Trump's protection. ハリスは自身の立場を擁護し,トランプがもたらした脅威に対処する重要性を主張し,彼の元同僚からの同様の懸念を引用しました. Harris defended her stance, asserting the importance of addressing the threats posed by Trump, citing similar concerns from his former associates.