価格上昇の受け入れが低く,インフレの緩和が原因で,ユニリーバの第3四半期のベース売上高は予測を上回りました. Unilever's Q3 underlying sales exceed forecasts, driven by lower price increases acceptance and easing inflation.
ユニリーバは,消費者による価格上昇の減少への受け入れにより,予測を上回る第3四半期における販売額を報告した. Unilever reported third-quarter underlying sales that exceeded forecasts, driven by consumer acceptance of reduced price increases. この好調な業績は,インフレ圧力の緩和に対する買い手の反応を反映し,市場の安定化の可能性を示しています. This positive performance reflects shoppers' response to easing inflationary pressures, indicating a potential stabilization in the market. 価格戦略を調整する能力が,この期間における売上高の上昇に寄与した. The company's ability to adapt pricing strategies has contributed to its stronger sales figures during this period.