マレーシアのCPIは9月に同比1.8%に低下し,5カ月で最も低い水準となった. Malaysia's CPI declined to 1.8% YoY in September, marking the lowest rate in 5 months.
マレーシアの消費者物価指数 (CPI) は9月に同比1.8%に低下し,5カ月ぶりの低水準となり,経済学者の予想1.9%を上回らなかった. Malaysia's consumer price index (CPI) dropped to 1.8% year-on-year in September, marking the lowest rate in five months and falling short of economists' expectations of 1.9%. この減少は,輸送と通信サービスの価格の上昇の鈍化による. This decline was influenced by slower price growth in transportation and communication services. ベースインフレも1.8%に低下した. Core inflation also fell to 1.8%. 月間価格は10月に安定した. Monthly prices remained stable in October. 重要な要因は食料価格の1.6%の上昇と住宅コストの3.1%の上昇でした. Key factors included a 1.6% rise in food prices and a 3.1% increase in housing costs.