イーロン・マスクはテスラの第3四半期の決算発表で 自動運転車の連邦規制を提唱した. Elon Musk advocated for federal regulation of autonomous vehicles during Tesla's Q3 earnings call.
テスラCEOのElon Muskは,同社の第3四半期決算の電話で,州別承認よりも効率的だと主張し,自律走行車の連邦規制を支持した. Tesla CEO Elon Musk advocated for federal regulation of autonomous vehicles during the company's third-quarter earnings call, arguing it would be more efficient than state-by-state approval. 彼はテスラが 完全自動運転車を テキサスとカリフォルニアで 稼働させると予想しています He anticipates Tesla will have fully autonomous vehicles operational in Texas and California next year. マスク氏はまた、トランプ氏の選挙運動にすでに多額の投資を行っており、トランプ氏の潜在的な政権に参加するのであれば、政府の効率化イニシアチブを支援する意欲も表明した。 Musk also expressed a willingness to support government efficiency initiatives if he were to join a potential Trump administration, having already invested significantly in Trump's campaign.