3歳のドイツ人児童画家"ミニ・ピカソ"は 世界的に有名になり 何十万ユーロにも及ぶ作品が売れました 3-year-old German child artist, known as "mini-Picasso," gains global fame, with some artwork selling for hundreds of thousands of euros.
"ドイツのミニピカソ"として知られる 3歳のローラン・シュワルツは 抽象的な絵画で世界的に認められています Three-year-old Laurent Schwarz, known as "Germany's mini-Picasso," is gaining global recognition for his abstract paintings. 休暇中に発見されたローランの才能は 両親に家庭スタジオと インスタグラムアカウントを 設立させました 現在9万人のフォロワーがいます Discovered during a family vacation, Laurent's talent prompted his parents to create a home studio and an Instagram account that now boasts 90,000 followers. 彼の作品はかなり興味を惹き,いくつかの作品は数十万ユーロで売られています. His artwork has attracted significant interest, with some pieces selling for hundreds of thousands of euros. 収入は彼が大人としてアクセスするために保存されます. Proceeds are saved for him to access as an adult.