WNBA選手協会は2025シーズンに向けて新しい経済モデルを目指して,CBAを早期に離脱する. WNBA Players Association opts out of CBA early, aiming for new economic model for 2025 season.
WNBA選手協会は 既存の協同交渉協定から 2年早く離脱し リーガの最近の成長に伴い 記録的な出席率と 2億ドルのメディア権利契約を 求めるという. The WNBA Players Association has opted out of the current Collective Bargaining Agreement two years early, seeking a new deal amid the league's recent growth, including record attendance and a $200 million media rights agreement. 契約の締結を中止することで 2025年シーズンまでに新たな契約を交渉できる The opt-out allows time to negotiate a new agreement before the 2025 season. 組合は公平な経済モデルを目指し,賃金,退職金,育児支援の改善を推進しています. The union aims for an equitable economic model, pushing for enhancements in salaries, retirement benefits, and child care support.