10月17日、ナイジェリアのエド州イヒベ・オグベンで採石場労働者を待ち伏せした警部が死亡、駐在員、警官が負傷。調査中。 Police inspector killed, expatriate and officer injured in ambush on quarry workers in Ihivbe-Ogben, Edo State, Nigeria on 17 October; investigation underway.
ナイジェリアのエド州イヒヴベ・オグベンで10月17日に採石作業員に待ち伏せされた事件で,警察の検査官が殺害され,外国人1人と別の警察官が負傷した. A police inspector was killed, and an expatriate and another officer were injured in an ambush on quarry workers in Ihivbe-Ogben, Edo State, Nigeria, on October 17. 襲撃者は労働者がキャンプに戻った時に襲撃した. The attackers struck as workers returned to their camp. 負傷者は医療を受け 警察と軍隊は 捜査で協力し 犯人を逮捕しています The injured are receiving medical care, while the police and military collaborate on an investigation to apprehend the assailants. この地域は 誘拐を含む暴力で知られています The area is known for violence, including kidnappings.