17歳の少女が ヒューストンのアパートの駐車場で 銃撃され死亡 捜査中 17-year-old girl fatally shot in Houston apartment complex parking lot; investigation ongoing.
17歳の少女が ヒューストンにあるアパートの駐車場で 銃撃され死亡 A 17-year-old girl was fatally shot multiple times in the parking lot of an apartment complex in Houston. 当局は真夜中頃に現場に呼ばれ、彼女は銃創で発見され、死亡が宣告されました。 Authorities were called to the scene around midnight, where she was found with gunshot wounds and pronounced dead. ハリス郡保安官事務所が捜査中だが 容疑者や被害者の名前は公表されていない The Harris County Sheriff's Office is investigating, but no suspects or the victim's name have been released. 目撃者は尋問中です Witnesses are being interviewed as the investigation continues.