第4大隊 レンジャー連隊 軍曹クリス・ギルが 非作戦演習中に死亡した 4th Battalion, The Ranger Regiment Corporal Chris Gill died during a non-operational exercise.
ランジャー連隊第4大隊のイギリス兵であるクリス・ギル大佐は,ポワイス州ブレコンでの非作戦演習中に10月16日に死亡した. Corporal Chris Gill, a British soldier from the 4th Battalion, The Ranger Regiment, died on October 16 during a non-operational exercise in Brecon, Powys. 35歳の彼は リーダーシップと献身で知られ アフガニスタンを含む複数の場所で ウクライナの戦闘員を訓練し 奉仕していました The 35-year-old, known for his leadership and dedication, had trained Ukrainian fighters and served in multiple locations, including Afghanistan. 彼の死因の調査が進行中です 来週は審問が予定されています An investigation into the circumstances of his death is underway, with an inquest set to take place next week. 彼の死は家族と軍隊にとって大きな損失です His passing is a significant loss to his family and the Army.