妊娠中の女性と未産児が 車の事故で死亡 Pregnant woman and unborn child die in car accident involving unmarked police vehicle.
妊婦と未産児が 交通渋滞の激しい道路で 警官の車に衝突して死亡しました A pregnant woman and her unborn child died in a car accident involving an unmarked police vehicle on a busy road. 目撃者は車が何度も転がったと報告した Eyewitnesses reported the car flipped multiple times. 事件は夜明けに起きたため 地域の目撃者への懸念が高まっています The incident, occurring in the early evening, raises concerns about potential witnesses in the area. 地元当局は 事故や事故を 引き起こす出来事の情報を 持っている人なら 連絡を くださいと 促しています Local authorities are urging anyone with information about the crash or events leading up to it to come forward.