ベルフラワーで元彼氏に殺された 女 禁断令を提出した数時間後 息子も負傷 Woman in Bellflower, CA killed by ex-boyfriend hours after filing restraining order, with son also wounded.
カリフォルニア州ベルフラワーで 女性が元彼氏に 銃撃されて死んだ 逮捕命令を出した数時間後 In Bellflower, California, a woman was shot and killed by her ex-boyfriend hours after filing a restraining order against him. この事件では、彼女の26歳の息子も負傷したが、容体は安定している。 During the incident, her 26-year-old son was also wounded but is in stable condition. 容疑者は家に入り 息子を撃ち 女性を撃ち殺し 自殺した The suspect forced entry into their apartment, shot the son, and then fatally shot the woman before taking his own life. 当局は捜査中です 容疑者に関する 家庭内暴力の電話が 続いています Authorities are investigating the case, which follows multiple previous domestic violence calls related to the suspect.