元米軍兵士 14年の刑を宣告 ISIS支援と米国の攻撃を計画した; 協力は刑の軽減に貢献した. Ex-US Army soldier sentenced to 14 years for plotting ISIS support and U.S. attack; cooperation contributed to lowered sentence.
元米軍兵士がイスラム国 (IS) を支援し,米国でテロ攻撃を企てた罪で14年の懲役刑を宣告されました. An ex-US Army soldier was sentenced to 14 years in prison for plotting to support the Islamic State (IS) and attempting to carry out a terrorist attack in the U.S. 彼は40年の刑を 要求しましたが 捜査中に法執行機関と協力したことで 刑期が短縮されました Although he requested a 40-year sentence, his cooperation with law enforcement during the investigation contributed to the reduced term. この事件は国内テロと 軍事関係者が過激派活動に 巻き込まれるという懸念を 浮き彫りにしています The case highlights concerns about domestic terrorism and the involvement of military personnel in extremist activities.