75歳の理髪師 トレヴァー・ソルビーが ITVの"この朝"で 腸がんの末期診断を受け 診断を語っています 75-year-old hairdresser Trevor Sorbie, diagnosed with terminal bowel cancer, shares his prognosis on ITV's "This Morning".
75歳の有名な理髪師の トレヴァー・ソルビーは ITVの"この朝"で 腸がんの末期診断を発表した Trevor Sorbie, a 75-year-old renowned hairdresser, has announced his terminal bowel cancer diagnosis on ITV's "This Morning." 彼は癌が肝臓に広がり,クリスマスを迎えても生き延びないかもしれないと明かした. He revealed that the cancer has spread to his liver and he may not survive until Christmas. 複数の手術を受け 悲惨な予後を 直面したにもかかわらず ソービーは前向きな見方を保ち 兼職を続け 家族と過ごす日々を 楽しみながら過ごしています Despite undergoing multiple surgeries and facing a grim prognosis, Sorbie maintains a positive outlook, continuing to work part-time and cherishing each day with his family. 彼の妻キャロルは 悲しみのカウンセリングを受けています His wife, Carole, is receiving bereavement counseling to cope with the situation.