元警察官 アレクサンダー・アレン 児童レイプと児童ポルノの容疑で起訴 Ex-police officer Alexander Allen indicted on child rape, child porn charges.
マサチューセッツ州ビレリカの元警察官 アレクサンダー・アレンが 児童の強姦と児童ポルノの所持の罪で 起訴されました Alexander Allen, a former police officer from Billerica, Massachusetts, has been indicted on charges of aggravated rape of a child and possession of child pornography. 15歳の少女と性関係が 疑われる 14歳の時から The allegations involve a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old girl, which began when she was 14. アレンは10月25日にミドルセックス高等裁判所で 起訴される予定だ Allen is scheduled for arraignment in Middlesex Superior Court on October 25. この事件は 警察の権限乱用に 懸念を招くと 地元の当局者は指摘しています The case raises significant concerns about abuse of power within the police force, as noted by local officials.