66歳の退職したビジネスマンマイケル・ラファンは2022年1月にアイルランドのダン・ロハイエルで溺死した.健康状態が良好にもかかわらず,コভিড-19が彼の死の原因となった. 66-year-old retired businessman Michael Laffan drowned in Dún Laoghaire, Ireland, in January 2022; Covid-19 contributed to his death despite his good health.
マイケル・ラファンは,66歳の退職したビジネスマンで,2022年1月にアイルランドのダン・ロハイエールで泳いで溺死した. Michael Laffan, a 66-year-old retired businessman, drowned while swimming in Dún Laoghaire, Ireland, in January 2022. 調查によると,健康と体調が良好だったにもかかわらず,Covid-19が彼の死の原因となったことが明らかになった. An inquest revealed that Covid-19 contributed to his death, despite his good health and fitness. ラファンはいつもより遠くまで泳いでいたが,戻るため苦労し,息子に救出されたが,後に病院で死亡したと宣言された. Laffan, who was swimming further than usual, struggled to return and was rescued by his son but later pronounced dead at the hospital. 検死医は低体温が原因だと指摘したが,死因はCOVID-19により悪化した溺死であった. The coroner noted hypothermia was a contributing factor, but the cause of death was drowning aggravated by Covid-19.