デリーの警備員は、休暇中に雇用主の自宅から1.25億ルピーの現金と宝石を盗んだとして逮捕され、盗まれたアイテムを自白して取り戻しました。 Security officer in Delhi arrested for stealing ₹1.25 crore in cash and jewelry from his employerʼs home during vacation, confessed and recovered stolen items.
デリーの個人警備員であるVikas Kumarは,雇い主の家から約1.25億の現金と宝石を盗んだとして逮捕されました. A personal security officer in Delhi, Vikas Kumar, was arrested for stealing approximately Rs 1.25 crore in cash and jewelry from his employer's home while the employer was on vacation. 盗難は,雇用主がCCTV映像をレビューした後で明らかになり,警察はクマーの身元を特定し,逮捕し,犯罪を認めた. The theft was uncovered after the employer reviewed CCTV footage, leading police to identify and apprehend Kumar, who confessed to the crime. 警官は現金7千万,宝石55万,強盗に使われた車も回収した. Authorities recovered Rs 70 lakh in cash, jewelry worth Rs 55 lakh, and the vehicle used in the robbery. キュマーは盗難で起訴されている. Kumar is charged with theft.