デヴィッド・ギルモアは ケイト・ブッシュのライブ復帰を希望し 彼女を説得しようとした. David Gilmour hopes for Kate Bush's return to live performances and has tried to persuade her.
ピンク・フロイドのギタリスト デヴィッド・ギルモアは ケイト・ブッシュがライブに復帰することを願っていると語り, 穏やかに彼女を説得しようとした. David Gilmour, guitarist of Pink Floyd, has expressed his hope for Kate Bush to return to live performances, sharing that he has gently tried to persuade her. ギルモアはブッシュのキャリアの初期に重要な役割を果たしたが,2014年の最後の公演以来,彼女は孤独なままである. Gilmour played a crucial role in Bush's early career, but she has remained reclusive since her last performance in 2014. 欠席にもかかわらず,ブッシュは"Stranger Things"に登場した彼女の歌"Running Up That Hill"のために新たな関心を得て,近年より公的に関与しています. Despite her absence, Bush has gained renewed interest due to her song "Running Up That Hill" featuring in "Stranger Things" and has engaged more publicly in recent years.