アル・パチーノは,公衆の顔の脆弱性を強調して,死に近いCOVID-19の体験を明らかにした. Al Pacino reveals near-death COVID-19 experience, emphasizing public figure vulnerability.
アル・パチーノは COVID-19 に関する死の危機体験の 悲惨な話を共有し,その間,意識を失いました. Al Pacino shared a harrowing account of a near-death experience related to COVID-19, during which he lost consciousness. 俳優は,その体験を恐ろしいものだと説明し,彼の状態の深刻さを強調した. The actor described the experience as terrifying, highlighting the severity of his condition. 彼の説明は,COVID-19の深刻な影響に光を当て,このパンデミック中に,公的な人物でさえも直面する脆弱性を強調しています. His account sheds light on the serious impact of COVID-19, emphasizing the vulnerability even public figures can face during the pandemic.