23歳のセレン・ロイドは、デリーでピットブルが別の犬を致命的に攻撃した際の暴行、無秩序な行動で7ヶ月の懲役刑を受けました。 23-year-old Seren Lloyd jailed 7 months for assault, disorderly behavior during pit bull fatally attacking another dog in Derry.
23歳のセレン・ロイドは,ペットブルが関与した事件で3人を襲った罪で7ヶ月の懲役刑を宣告され,2023年8月4日にデリーで別の犬を致命的に襲った. Seren Lloyd, 23, was sentenced to seven months in jail for assaulting three people during an incident involving her pit bull, which fatally attacked another dog on August 4, 2023, in Derry. ロイドは暴行と乱暴行為で 罪を認めた. 傍観者に対する攻撃的行為, 介入したタクシー運転手を含む. Lloyd pleaded guilty to assaults and disorderly behavior, exhibiting aggression toward bystanders, including a taxi driver who intervened. この事件は,別の罪で,最近,仮釈放の判決を受けた後でした. The incident followed a recent suspended sentence for another offense. 襲撃犬は後に安楽死された. The attacking dog was subsequently euthanized.