トランプはイランのミサイル攻撃で負傷した米軍兵士の傷を軽視し",負傷"は頭痛を意味するかもしれないと示唆した. Trump downplayed US service member injuries from Iranian missile attack, suggesting "injured" could mean a headache.
ドナルド・トランプ元大統領は,2020年1月のイランのミサイル攻撃で負傷した米軍兵士の傷害を軽視し",負傷"という用語は単に頭痛を意味する可能性があると示唆した. Former President Donald Trump recently downplayed the injuries of U.S. service members from a January 2020 Iranian missile attack, suggesting that the term "injured" could simply refer to having a headache. ウィスコンシン州の集会で Fox Newsのインタビューで発言した彼の発言は 無感性だと批判されています His remarks, made during a rally in Wisconsin and a Fox News interview, have faced criticism for being insensitive. トランプは現在の政権のリーダーシップを批判し,それが世界を潜在的な紛争に導くと主張した. Trump also criticized the current administration's leadership, claiming it is leading the world toward potential conflict.