金融規制当局は ハリケーンヘレンの影響を受けた 金融機関に柔軟な指導と救済を提供しています Financial regulators offer flexible guidance and relief to institutions impacted by Hurricane Helene.
規制当局は,FDICと連邦準備制度を含む, ハリケーンヘレンの影響を受けた金融機関のためのガイドラインを発行し, 業務と顧客に重大な影響を認めています. Regulators, including the FDIC and Federal Reserve, have issued guidance for financial institutions impacted by Hurricane Helene, acknowledging its significant effects on operations and customers. 機関が規制の柔軟性,融資の変更のサポート,報告の要件からの免除を提供することで, 機関がコミュニティのニーズを満たすのを助ける. The agencies will provide regulatory flexibility, support for loan modifications, and relief from reporting requirements to help institutions meet community needs. 危機の際に正確な情報と報道の重要性を強調しています. This interagency response underscores the importance of accurate information and news reporting during crises.