競争の懸念から,ニュージーランドの商業委員会は食品の合併提案を拒絶した. New Zealand's Commerce Commission denies Foodstuffs' merger proposal due to competition concerns.
ニュージーランドの商業委員会は,競争の減少を理由に,北島と南島部門を統合する食品の合併提案を拒絶した. New Zealand's Commerce Commission has denied Foodstuffs' merger proposal to combine its North and South Island divisions, citing concerns over reduced competition. 合併は全国的な協同組合の設立を目的とし,食料品の買い手は3人から2人に減るため,供給者価格の低下,イノベーションの減少,消費者の選択の制限につながる可能性があります. The merger, aimed at creating a national cooperative, would diminish grocery buyers from three to two, potentially leading to lower supplier prices, reduced innovation, and limited consumer choices. 合併は市場競争と消費者利益に害をもたらす可能性があると,欧州委員会は強調した. The Commission emphasized that the merger could harm market competition and consumer interests.