ジョージア州の選挙運動のイベントで 元トランプ大統領はハリケーンヘレンへの対応について不正確な主張をしました Former President Trump made inaccurate claims about Hurricane Helene response during a Georgia campaign event.
ジョージアでの選挙運動のイベントで,元大統領ドナルド・トランプは,ハリケーンヘレンの連邦政府の対応について,不正確な主張をした.彼は,災害を政治化しないと主張したにもかかわらず. Former President Donald Trump made inaccurate claims about the federal response to Hurricane Helene during a campaign event in Georgia, despite asserting he would not politicize the disaster. 彼の発言は災害管理と気候変動の影響に対する理解を懸念しています His remarks have raised concerns about his understanding of disaster management and climate change impacts. 一方,彼の支持者の一部は 連邦災害対策機関の予算削減を推進しており,トランプの批判と政府の関与を減らすための彼らの主張の間の断絶を強調しています. Meanwhile, some of his supporters are pushing for budget cuts to federal disaster agencies, highlighting a disconnect between Trump's criticisms and their advocacy for reduced government involvement.